Category: Issues

Driving Issues to Ponder

2/6/2017 |

When I am the second car on a side street preparing to turn onto a main road, why does the vehicle in front of me need a “one mile” clearance both ways before proceeding? Also, when I am in a similar position preparing to turn right and the first vehicle intends to turn left (especially on a one-way street), why does the driver hug the right side, thus preventing me from traveling? ...

Diverse Issues to Ponder

2/6/2017 |

Why are some people loud, interruptive, condescending, verbally abusive, opinionated, demeaning, and/or factually inventive during an intended discussion? ...

Courtesy Issues to Ponder

2/6/2017 |

Why do many people litter when a trash barrel is only several yards away? ...

Educational Issues to Ponder

1/16/2017 |

How much should “making learning fun," pleasing children, and worrying about their self-esteem be emphasized in schools compared to other possibly more important areas? Before parents criticize teachers, are they doing all of dozens of things they should be properly attempting so ...

Morality Issues to Ponder

1/16/2017 |

What would you do (and how quickly) if you inherited $100,000,000 tax free? If you found a large sum of untraceable lost money, would you return it under all conditions? If not, under what conditions would you fail to seek its rightful claimant? What if the money belonged to someone you despised, and you could pay for life-saving operations for several loved ones? ...

Personal Choice Issues to Ponder

1/16/2017 |

How do you decide between “letting something go” and seeking justice or revenge when you believe that you have been wronged? Do you overlook everything? just little things? What determines the action that you might pursue? ...

Hypocritical Actions to Ponder

1/16/2017 |

Why do so very many certifiably eligible individuals fail to donate blood or never include themselves as possible matches on bone marrow transplant and organ donor lists when almost all of these people would desperately want these services for themselves if the need arose? ...

Suffering Issues to Ponder

1/16/2017 |

I think I know the answer, but w hy can’t dictators who deplete their nation’s wealth and/or resources somehow pilfer a lesser amount (still being extremely rich and powerful) and use their position to elevate the people’s living standards? Does the North K ...