Diverse Issues to Ponder

2/6/2017 |

Category: Issues

  1. Why are some people loud, interruptive, condescending, verbally abusive, opinionated, demeaning, and/or factually inventive during an intended discussion?
  2. In our secular society with separation of church and state, why do some people quote the Bible or another sacred book or interpret God’s word to determine what the proper governmental decision should be?
  3. At a self-service gas station with room for two vehicles on one side, have you ever encountered someone else who was pumping gas while occupying both spots and became hostile when you politely asked him to move his car slightly? What odd but true stories could you tell about strangers whom you have encountered in your travels?
  4. Why do so many adults not know the difference between a fact and an opinion?
  5. Why do so many homes have outside electrical lights on during the day?
  6. Does your boss want only “yes people” and those who do not “rock the boat” or is he/she receptive to your input and individuality? Is your boss a mini-dictator who addresses you at the wrong time and in the wrong tone?
  7. Why do some people believe that their ____ doesn’t stink?
  8. What are all the reasons why people watch Keeping up with the Kardashians?
  9. As you were attempting to enjoy old photographs, have you ever regretted not having previously dated and described them, while naming the involved people?
  10. Are you continually exposed to someone who loudly chomps his food with a wide-open mouth? What are people’s bad habits which truly “drive you crazy?” Should you be more tolerant and patient?
  11. What is the earliest memory that you have of your lifetime?
  12. Do you think it is dangerous when house numbers are not properly displayed?
  13. Do you know someone who is wildly interpretive, ultra-sensitive, and potentially explosive concerning normal comments so that you are uncomfortable while “walking on eggshells” around him/her?
  14. Is there someone whom you have wronged and truly deserves your apology, but you just cannot force yourself to do it? Why not?
  15. Do you believe that people are or will be judged by how they treat the most unfortunate among us?
  16. Do you understand that it could be a very sudden trip from the “penthouse to the outhouse?”
  17. What do you believe is the worst thing you have ever said or done?
  18. Could someone accurately explain the doctrine of the Holy Trinity? Why did “Holy Spirit” replace “Holy Ghost?"
  19. Why does anyone in our country suffer from hunger?
  20. Why do so many people claim that they need external motivation to succeed instead of assuming personal responsibility?
  21. Why do many people define themselves by how glamorous or athletic they appear to be instead of by the virtues they truly possess?
  22. Do you possess the special ability of relating to a child so that he/she is “at ease” with you?
  23. Can you do all of the following?: a) Name and write the next seven categories and even more after “million, billion, trillion, … b) say the alphabet backward c) name all the presidents in order and their years in office d) exactly recite The Declaration of Independence from the beginning to “Grievances Against the King”
  24. What odd or peculiar ability do you possess?



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