Morality Issues to Ponder

1/16/2017 |

Category: Issues

  1. What would you do (and how quickly) if you inherited $100,000,000 tax free?
  2. If you found a large sum of untraceable lost money, would you return it under all conditions? If not, under what conditions would you fail to seek its rightful claimant? What if the money belonged to someone you despised, and you could pay for life-saving operations for several loved ones?
  3. Do the extremely, “filthy” rich people donate enough money to worthwhile causes, even though they contribute many millions? Do they still need all of the other millions of dollars, despite not wanting for anything? How much money is enough money to support the greatest existence? After that, should someone’s absolute surplus wealth be used for noble causes? A key question is: How much money is enough wealth for a person or family to have?
  4. If you knew that you dropped a game-winning pass in the end zone while your team was losing with no time remaining in the Super Bowl and the referee was going to call it a legal catch (no re-plays available) but, firstly, asked you if you caught it and, therefore, would rule the pass incomplete if you had not, what would your answer be with so much (in so many ways) at stake? Why would you answer as you did?
  5. Are you an absolute purist for humanitarian treatment of likely and/or convicted terrorists? Would you advocate torture for such a person if he were the only one who knew where a bomb would soon explode resulting in the death of many innocent people, including all of your loved ones?
  6. Would you contact the proper people if you accidentally caused property damage and there were no witnesses to the event, meaning that you would never be exposed? Hundreds or thousands of dollars could be involved, as well as your honor.
  7. Although the gentleman who retrieved the baseball from Derek Jeter’s 3000th hit received some material benefits upon voluntarily giving it to him, would you have done the same or rather retained the baseball and tried to negotiate a lucrative financial deal that could greatly benefit you and your family? What would you have done if you had retrieved the baseball that Hank Aaron hit to surpass Babe Ruth’s career home run record?
  8. Do you agree with the following statement from Benjamin Franklin? “The best way to worship God is to do good among men.”; OR do you believe that attending services all week at a holy or sacred site is better?
  9. How do you define a good person? Is it possible that God would ever admit an atheist into heaven, perhaps if such a person served humanity better than anyone else?
  10. If you were in charge of a lifeboat (assuming your decisions would be enforced and you had a weapon) that was sinking in the middle of an ocean because it could accommodate only fifty people, yet two hundred individuals were trying to enter, what action would you take, if any? Would you consider eliminating one hundred fifty people so that fifty could live, or would you let nature take its course?
  11. Would you rather be truly innocent of murder but be legally judged guilty and suffer all the consequences accompanying the verdict OR be truly guilty but be legally judged innocent?
  12. What action would you take if there were one day in your adult life when nothing was illegal?
  13. Is it stealing if you realize that a cashier has mistakenly given you excess money (perhaps a large amount) and you keep it? Do you think it is best to return such money or does it depend on the amount, the business, your personal circumstances, etc.?
  14. What are the exact situations for compromise vs. “sticking to your guns?”
  15. What would you do and how would you act if you learned that you had only one month more to live?
  16. If you could learn the date and manner of your own death and could change nothing, would you want to know?
  17. Do you believe that courage is “the absence of fear” or is courage best defined as “doing what needs to be done, despite the presence of fear?” Who is more courageous – someone who is not fearful of jumping from an extremely high platform and does so or someone who is afraid to jump from a height of three feet but does so?
  18. Don’t you just love the messages from the story of “Damon and Pythias?”
  19. If someone were truly evil and destructive to society, but yet so clever that he avoided deserved punishment, would it be best (and should it be done?) for authorities to frame such a person for a crime that would send him to prison? When, if ever, is it proper to commit an illegal act in order to accomplish a worthy deed?
  20. How devastatingly immoral and corrupt was it for a judge to arrange a kickback with a children’s detention center for sentencing so many undeserving youths to that facility? Has the legal system ever denied you justice? Inadvertently or intentionally?
  21. What is the greatest abuse of power you have witnessed or that has directly impacted your life?
  22. Would you report your most loved one for a major crime he/she committed if said person was your sole provider around whom your life revolved?


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